Saturday, September 1, 2007


Hey everyone!! My name is Jessica. I am a junior at Clemson majoring in Elementary Education. This is the first semester where almost all of my classes are education classes. I spend most of my days in Tillman except for Business Writing 304. I love being in Tillman!!! Whenever I think of Clemson, Tillman always comes to mind. I am excited about becoming a teacher very soon!! Ideally, I would love to teach 2nd or 3rd grade. I love all of the creativity that goes along with this major. I enjoy spending time making arts and crafts.

Originally, I was born in Pennsylvania. Two months after I was born, my parents and I moved to Summerville, SC. My family and I live in Mount Pleasant, SC about five minutes from downtown Charleston. While growing up, I have really enjoyed living near the ocean and the city!!! Whenever I am at home, you can find me in the kitchen because I love to bake. My favorite things to bake are homemade chocolate chip cookies and blueberry muffins. I also love to dance, especially ballet. I have been dancing ever since I was five years old. I have a little sister, named Christina. She is a sophomore in high school right now. I miss her when I am away at school. I love being a student at Clemson. I am involved in Baptist Collegiate Ministries, or BCM. Being on the Leadership team keeps me busy, but it is wonderful. I plan on becoming involved with Clemson Dancers this semester. I have missed not doing ballet for the past year, and I am ready to start back.

Clemson is such a wonderful place, and I am excited about this semester as well as English 304. I am glad that we have the opportunity to work in groups towards helping Habitat for Humanity. I believe this organization is a blessing. I have a lot of experience working in groups because group work is consistently an aspect of education classes. I am extremely organized and do not like to procrastinate. I love being creative!!


Anonymous said...

I love being in Tillman too! It would be awesome if I could teach over there. I even have a cool office there (once they get our new furniture in the office). Which professors do you have right now? I know several of them, although elementary isn't my area. (I'm secondary.)

Jessica K said...

My professors this semester are Dr. Paige (CTE 310), Dr. Smith (ED 322), Dr. Dunston (READ 460), Mrs. Wright (ED EL 458), and you!