Sunday, September 30, 2007

Resume and Cover Letter Advice

For this week’s blog, I read three more articles. The first one, “Pretty in Ink: Making a Resume Look as Appealing as the Content” by Sarah E. Needleman, reminded me of the movie, “Legally Blonde”. I love when Elle Woods presents her resume on pink scented paper to stand out from the other internship applicants. Sarah Needleman makes many great pointers in her article about ways to make your resume stand out among the rest. She describes several success stories for various applicants whose resumes are not conventional. I agree with Jay Hargis’ advice to make the resume eye appealing while still focusing on sound content. He stresses the needs of “identifying your skills, work history, and education.” After reading this article, I have thought about how I can add a special touch to my own resume for grad school.

I have never given much thought to a video resume. After reading “Video Resumes are Taking Off” by Diana Ransom, I discovered how this creative interpretation of a resume could be highly effective within the right context. However, I think that I will stick to the conventional approach to writing a resume when applying to grad school or a future job. I want the hiring managers to read and value my individual skills and qualifications without having a metal picture of me. Physically seeing my enthusiasm could be positive; however, I think my written qualifications are substantial. This article is a great source of advice stating the suitable attire for a video resume as well as the appropriate length. I am glad to now have a more in depth understanding of the ways in which video resumes are contributing to several job positions.

I have been thinking about what I would like to include inside of my cover letter. This article titled, “Six Tips for Writing a Winning Cover Letter” by Marshall Loeb, was extremely helpful. I now feel more prepared to write a persuasive cover letter. Marshall Loeb gives the great advice to personalize the letter’s opening by sending it to a specific person instead of the generic statement: To whom it may concern. I think it is key to end the letter with “a call to action”. Marshall Loeb states that it is important to request that the employer call or e-mail once a decision has been made as well as you following up a week later. I like that Marshall Loeb makes the point to advise checking the letter before it is sent. Proofreading is so important, making sure the company’s name and address are correctly displayed.

These three articles presented me with great information that I am using and will use in the future for writing cover letters and resumes! It is exciting to think about having a “real job” soon, but the process of obtaining a job must be completed well! It is wonderful to have the opportunity to learn the step by step process for entering into the work force early on!!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Great Interview Advice

I really enjoyed reading the Career Journal articles because they affirmed as well as revealed new job interview advice to me. “How to Keep Your Cool in the Hot Seat” was the first article that I read. I thought this article was well written and informative. I agree with Kayleen Schaefer, the author, when she advises interviewees to not focus on the reason why a company may not hire you. Instead, Kayleen reveals that it is important to think positively about your prior accomplishments and your abilities by making a mental list of your skills and accomplishments. I learned that this technique is called “positive self talk”. Kayleen offers good advice when saying that it is also important to practice answering interview questions prior to the interview because this allows the interviewee to become greater prepared through rehearsing. I also liked Kayleen’s perspective on the person conducting the interview. She said to remember that he/she is probably somewhat anxious too as they are attempting to sell their company to the interviewee. I agree with Kayleen as she advises interviewees to have a mindset of thinking that they will be valuable towards the company.

The second article that caught my attention was titled “When an Interviewer Says, ‘Tell Me about a Time When You…’”. I enjoyed reading this article because it offered very practical advice. The author, Arlene Hirsh, introduced me to the term, “behavior based interviews”, which means that your manner in handling specific past situations is the best indicator for future success. I liked the way Arlene organizes the article as a step by step process in preparing for behavior based interviews. I had not previously considered the manner in which to answer this type of question. After reading the article, I now understand the necessity in describing the problem, the actions taken, and the results. Arlene reminds the interviewer when describing the problem to talk about how the situation was extremely challenging making for a more impressive result. I also agreed with Arlene’s advice to keep the tone of the interview positive by putting a “positive spin” on the answers. There was no advice given by Arlene that I did not agree with. I feel that I have learned helpful information!

The third article that I read was my favorite article out these three. This article, written by Eugene Raudsepp, titled “Body Language Tactics that Sway Interviewers” was valuable. I did not know prior to reading that body language or nonverbal communication represents 55% of a response whereas verbal communication only represents 7%. The other 38% is represented by paralanguage, a person’s sighs and pauses. I think Eugene made an important point by saying that actions reveal the inner confidence of a person. He provides excellent advice on the first few minutes of an interview as well as the necessity to maintain proper eye contact with the interviewer. In my past experiences, I have been so occupied with my own performance during the interview that I never truly thought about reading the interviewer’s gestures. Eugene makes an excellent point to be aware of the nonverbal behaviors of the interviewer. However, it is important to not think that every gesture has a hidden meaning connected with it. I appreciate the closing advice to use the appropriate nonverbal behaviors to portray a sense of confidence and interest!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

My Life in Ten Years!

What will my life be like in ten years? What a question! As a young girl, I remember having to answer this question at school sometimes. My answers were full of imagination but they consistently portrayed me as a teacher. I first dreamed of becoming a teacher in Kindergarten because I thought it would be exciting to grade worksheets and put “Good Job” stickers on them just like my teacher, Mrs. Worley, always did. Now, as a twenty year old, I still plan on becoming an elementary school teacher. Looking back on the past twenty years, I am thankful to my parents for providing me with a safe, loving, and nurturing family.

The thought of being thirty in 2017 astounds me. I remember thinking as a child that thirty seemed so old, but now I have a completely different view of the age as I have gotten to be older myself. In 2009, I plan to graduate from Clemson with a Bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education. I understand that many college students begin teaching right after college; however, I would like to attend graduate school first. In 2011, I will graduate from the graduate school program at Clemson. After obtaining my Master’s degree in Elementary Education, I plan on beginning to teach at one of the elementary schools in Greenville, South Carolina. Greenville is such a beautiful and serene town which is the main reason why I hope to live there soon! I am excited about having the opportunity to help 2nd or 3rd graders develop into very successful thinkers.

Shortly after I begin teaching, I plan on getting married. I am not sure the exact plan the Lord has for my life regarding my choice of husband, but I am excited about the prospect of marrying my boyfriend of two years. Hopefully, I will still continue teaching in Greenville unless my husband’s job compels us to relocate. While teaching, I will work towards my goal of becoming an elementary school principal in Greenville. As a young child, my elementary school principal, Mrs. Miller, inspired me to be a respectful individual, possess creativity, and enjoy the process of learning. Because of the excitement I saw in Mrs. Miller, I want to become an encouraging principal for my students!

While obtaining the role of principal, I will begin work on my doctorate in Educational Psychology as well as start a family with my husband. I have always wanted to have a little girl first so that I could dress her in adorable dresses with matching little shoes and bows! By the time that I am thirty, my life will be completely different than it is right now. However, through memories of the past, experiences of everyday college life, and dreams of the future, I am excited about living a life encompassing love, joy, and delight in the Lord, my family, and my students!

Saturday, September 8, 2007

The Digital World

The Web 2.0 video made me stop and think about the internet on a deeper level than ever before. I watched the video about three times in order to totally understand the main idea being portrayed. When thinking about the video’s title, the word “unilinear,” which I don’t think is a real word, stuck out in my mind. I believe the importance of the title stems from the phrase, “Digital text is different, more flexible, and movable” demonstrating that this form of text is never permanent. I have always thought of the internet as a helpful source of endless knowledge; however, I have never truly thought about the web in terms of people imparting their knowledge onto the internet for me and others to use. I thought the video made an interesting point that we, as web viewers, rely on the internet to a heightened degree causing us to use the machine. However, this machine, which at one point we created, is actually using us because we constantly are dependent on it. I believe that Web 2.0 can positively affect a person entering the workforce because it initially provides information about various job organizations. In this regard, people are sharing job applications, resumes, and personal information with one another. In a sense, the web is helping to link strangers together. People already in the workforce are collaborating with one another to communicate in order to accomplish their personal tasks and goals to promote their businesses or organizations. Although this heightened degree of communication is beneficial in many aspects, it is important to be aware of dangers involved with the internet. We must be aware that since the information typed onto the internet is not permanent, individuals who may not even be experts in the specific field can alter it. We should possess discernment while viewing and reading sites. Likewise, we can not loose our sense of privacy and identity. One’s privacy should not be invaded through the internet. The web has spurred a digital mentality; however, it is vital to not expose all personal aspects of one’s life onto the web.

Saturday, September 1, 2007


Hey everyone!! My name is Jessica. I am a junior at Clemson majoring in Elementary Education. This is the first semester where almost all of my classes are education classes. I spend most of my days in Tillman except for Business Writing 304. I love being in Tillman!!! Whenever I think of Clemson, Tillman always comes to mind. I am excited about becoming a teacher very soon!! Ideally, I would love to teach 2nd or 3rd grade. I love all of the creativity that goes along with this major. I enjoy spending time making arts and crafts.

Originally, I was born in Pennsylvania. Two months after I was born, my parents and I moved to Summerville, SC. My family and I live in Mount Pleasant, SC about five minutes from downtown Charleston. While growing up, I have really enjoyed living near the ocean and the city!!! Whenever I am at home, you can find me in the kitchen because I love to bake. My favorite things to bake are homemade chocolate chip cookies and blueberry muffins. I also love to dance, especially ballet. I have been dancing ever since I was five years old. I have a little sister, named Christina. She is a sophomore in high school right now. I miss her when I am away at school. I love being a student at Clemson. I am involved in Baptist Collegiate Ministries, or BCM. Being on the Leadership team keeps me busy, but it is wonderful. I plan on becoming involved with Clemson Dancers this semester. I have missed not doing ballet for the past year, and I am ready to start back.

Clemson is such a wonderful place, and I am excited about this semester as well as English 304. I am glad that we have the opportunity to work in groups towards helping Habitat for Humanity. I believe this organization is a blessing. I have a lot of experience working in groups because group work is consistently an aspect of education classes. I am extremely organized and do not like to procrastinate. I love being creative!!